Hello, I am Parveen Chaudhary
Hello, I am
Parveen Chaudhary

I have taken the real GMAT 5 times. My highest GMAT score is 750. I teach both GMAT Quant and GMAT Verbal. My office is in South Delhi. I have been teaching GMAT since the last 11 years to students from Delhi, Gurgaon, Noida, and, in fact, the whole of NCR region. I also take online GMAT classes via Skype across the globe. I have taught more than 400 students in person (one on one class) and more than thousand students in group classes.
The Most Recommended GMAT Tutor on Linkedin
Best GMAT Tutor in Delhi, Gurgaon, Noida & NCR
I applied only to Indian B-Schools and was finally selected to several of them:
1) ISB 1 year full time program (PGP) (Academic Session 2011-12)
2) IIMC 1 year full time program (PGPEX) (Academic Session 2011-12), and
3) XLRI 1 year full time program (GMP) (Academic Session 2010-11)
You can view my selection letters below. Because of my love for teaching, and particularly GMAT, I shunned my B-School selections and decided to teach GMAT for the rest of my life.
Please note that all these selection letters have been signed by the program directors/chairpersons of the respective B-Schools. If even one of them is fake, needless to say I will be behind bars.
1) Selection Letter of ISB 1 year full time program (PGP) has been signed by A. M. Kannan, Director Admissions and Finance Head, ISB.
2) Selection letter of IIMC 1 year full time program (PGPEX) has been signed by Professor C. Panduranga Bhatta, Chairperson PGPEX.
3) Selection letter of XLRI 1 year full time program (GMP) has been signed by Rajeev Sharma, Chairperson Admissions.
Number of Students Taught
Years of GMAT Teaching Experience
Class Room Hours
Average GMAT Score Obtained by Students
I have compiled the following more than 50 testimonials of my students who have studied from me and have scored above 700. I have also given a LinkedIn reference below every testimonial so that one can verify the genuineness of each testimonial by contacting the respective student. Most of these students have also recommended me on LinkedIn. For more than 100 testimonials, you can visit my LinkedIn profile.

Baldev Chopra
Score: 580 to 700

Gita Bansal
Score: 700 to 730

Deepti W
Score: 520 to 710

Manish Kumar
Score: 540 to 740

Ishan Saran
Score: 680 to 730

Puneet Seth
Score: 550 to 720

Siddharth Deshwal
Score: 540 to 720

Tanya Bansal
Score: 700 to 750

Radhika Vasudeo
Score: 620 to 710

Manu Sexena
Score: 530 to 750

Anupriya Jatin
Score: 620 to 760

Pranjal Kunwar
Score: 680 to 760

Shamsheer Singh
Score: 590 to 710

Gaurav Shekhawat
Score: 700 to 730

Pooja Kumar
Score: 700+

Kush Verma
Score: 580 to 720

Sahil Khullar
Score: 680 to 740

Vishal Varshney
Score: 660 to 760

Jitendra Kukreja
Score: 750

Sabhya Sachi Kar
Score: 590 to 720

Raghav Sharma
Score: 690 to 770

Akshay Chaturvedi
Score: 710

Jaikaran Singh
Score: 710

Ankit Vohra
Score: 550 to 730

Aditya Agrawal
Score: 660 to 780

Amogh Sachdev
Score: 720

Tushar Gupta
Score: 660 to 730

Akanksha Tandon
Score: 720

Nitin Khanna
Score: 540 to 720

Ashish Agarwal
Score: 620 to 720

Ajay Dalal
Score: 550 to 720

Guntej Singh
Score: 580 to 720

Tanu Kalra
Score: 720

Digvijay Singh Shekhawat
Score: 720

Puneet Jain
Score: 710

Anupam Baliyan
Score: 520 to 700

Gurbinder Singh
Score: 710

Sumit Shrivastava
Score: 710

Hitesh Sakkerwal
Score: 720

Amar choudhary
Score: 700

Ridhima Gupta
Score: 710

Arvind Venugopal Nair
Score: 720

Saurabh Thaman
Score: 720

Raja Parkrashi
Score: 700

Prashant Saxena
Score: 720

Pinak Dattaray
Score: 770

Himanshu Agarwal
Score: 720

Karandeep Singh
Score: 730

Vikas Binani
Score: 720

Ashish Deep Singh
Score: 730

Chaitnya Garg
Score: 720

Prerna Gupta
Score: 720

Ankit Saxena
Score: 740

Archit Chenoy
Score: 550 to 730

Pramod Nair
Score: 560 to 740

Ninisa Bajpaie
Score: 700+

Aman Deshwal
Score: 640 to 720
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